開館時間: 9:00〜16:00
休館日: 12/28~1/3, 成人の日, 建国記念の日(2/11), 春分の日

擦文土器 scraping pattern pottary


-------- in English --------
This pottery was excavated from the Musa-tai site in Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture. It is said that the Hajiki (earthenware) manufacturing method used in Honshu was introduced to Hokkaido, and satsumon-doki began to be made in Hokkaido from the late 6th century to the beginning of the 7th century (corresponding to the Asuka period).

During the Satsumon period, marks made by wooden combs or brush-like tools were used to smooth and decorate the surface of pottery. The name "satsumon" comes from the patterns.

Satsumon pottery has been found not only in Hokkaido but also in the northern part of the Tohoku region, and it is an important artifact that connects Jomon pottery to Hajiki pottery which is derived from Yayoi pottery.

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