開館時間: 9:00〜16:00
休館日: 12/28~1/3, 成人の日, 建国記念の日(2/11), 春分の日

縄文人の足跡 Footprints of the Jomon man


-------- in English --------
In 1992, the Jomon person's footprints were discovered at the Shirozaka site in Moriyoshi, Kita-Akita City, Akita Prefecture, Japan. They were discovered for the first time in Akita prefecture, and since they have great archaeological importance, they were cut out from the site and have preserved in the storage room.
It was concluded that this person was most likely a male because these footprints were large with well-developed muscles and large toes. And based on the foot length and walking width, he was estimated to be about 160 cm tall.

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