開館時間: 9:00〜16:00
休館日: 12/28~1/3, 成人の日, 建国記念の日(2/11), 春分の日

人面装飾付土器 pottery with human face


-------- in English --------
This is a deep bowl-shaped pottery of the Late Middle Jomon Period excavated from the Donosawa site in Odate City, Akita Prefecture, Japan, and is an Daigi 8a type pottery.

The mouth rim has a single protrusion with a humanoid design on the inner surface of the protrusion. The entire projection is the face, and clay cords are attached to the center from the top to represent the forehead and nose, with pricks on each side to represent both eyes, and a continuous sunken line from the eye pricks to represent the cheeks below the eyes.

This is the third Jomon pottery of this type excavated in Akita Prefecture.

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